It seems like Web Components are always just on the cusp of finally catching on. They’re like [the year of Linux on the desktop]( for frontend nerds. I keep reading the latest articles about Web Components as they bubble up on my social media feeds, just hoping that there is something that I missed out on and now they have more substance, but I always end up feeling disappointed. I wrote up my thoughts on Web Components [back in 2020](/post/2020/web-components/), and it doesn’t feel like the conversation has progressed in all that time. It’s like an [Eternal September]( with people constantly going back to the original promise of Web Components, in spite of the reality having long since shown itself to have fallen short. ## What went wrong To TL;DR my earlier piece: > The pitch is “get **semantic elements** from **across the web**!” But those are **wrong problems** to try to solve. - Custom elements **aren’t “semantic”** because search engines don’t know what they mean. - “From across the web” is always going to be **worse for end user performance** than using one coherent, progressive enhancement compatible JavaScript framework per site. - `customElements.define` is an extremely **clunky API**. - `