What’s New in Go 1.20, Part III: Minor Standard Library Changes

Go 1.20 was released on February 1, 2023. That means it’s time for the final part of this three part look at What’s New in Go 1.20. In this part, we’ll look at some of the relatively minor changes to the standard library.

Before we begin, here are two changes I won’t write about because someone else did. The first is the new context.WithCancelCause API. Joseph Woodward wrote a great summary of the issue, so please read that.

Second, Filippo Valsorda wrote a complete look at Go 1.20 cryptography changes, including the new crypto/ecdh package. So, check that out for more details on those changes, including the secret crypto/internal/bigmod package 🤫.

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What’s New in Go 1.20, Part I: Language Changes

Update: Want to listen to a podcast about Go 1.20 instead of reading a blog post? Check out Go Time episode 267.

Well, it’s that time once again. It’s time for a new release of the Go programming language. Go 1.18 in Q1 of 2022 was a major release that featured the long awaited addition of generics to the language and also had lots of minor features and quality of life improvements. Go 1.19 in Q3 of 2022 was a comparatively subdued release. Now it’s 2023, and it’s time for Go 1.20. The release candidates have been released, and the final release is just around the corner. The Go team have already posted the draft release notes.

Edit: Go 1.20 was released Feb. 1, 2023.

In my view, the impact of Go 1.20 is somewhere in between 1.18 and 1.19, with more features and solutions to longstanding problems than 1.19, but nothing on the scale of adding generics to the language in 1.18. Still, I’m going to break up my look at “What’s New in Go 1.20” into a planned series of three blog posts. First, I’ll write about the language changes in Go 1.20 (below), and in the next post, I write about the major changes to the standard library, and finally there is a last post about some of my favorite minor additions to the standard library.

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Review: The This by Adam Roberts

I had a friend in college who was very good at quitting smoking. Every weekend, she would smoke at parties, and every Monday, she would quit smoking once again.

For me, quitting Twitter was more like Hemmingway’s going broke: slowly then all at once.

Slowly, I created a professional account, moved the alt account using my teenage AIM screen name to private, and juggled which devices (laptop, phone, tablet) were able to access which accounts under which screen names at which times with what screen time limits. And then all at once I stopped reading any of my Tweeter feeds, thanks pretty much entirely due to reading the first two chapters of The This by Adam Roberts.

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What’s new in Go 1.19?

Update: Want to listen to a podcast about Go 1.19 instead of reading a blog post? Check out Go Time episode 240.

Go 1.18 was a big release with huge features like generics, fuzzing, and workspaces. There was plenty of excitement around its minor or even ultra-minor features. Go 1.19 is not a release on that scale. But it does pack in a lot of small improvements that can help the average Go developer. Let’s take a look at what some of them are.

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